Our Blogs
Here is where you will find articles that we found either interesting to write about, or interesting stuff to read about. Let us know what you think. Are blog posts even a "thing" nowadays? We don't know ... but meanwhile ...
Stuff we found interesting to read and/or write about

How Do You Store Coffee?
Does roasted coffee go "off"? Well, maybe not "off" but it does lose its freshness and thus flavour profiles if not stored correctly. Here we talk about how to keep...
How Do You Store Coffee?
Does roasted coffee go "off"? Well, maybe not "off" but it does lose its freshness and thus flavour profiles if not stored correctly. Here we talk about how to keep...

How To Use an Aeropress
The Aeropress - who invented it, why and what difference does it make to coffee brewing. And also tips as to how you, too, can enter the Aeropress World Championships...
How To Use an Aeropress
The Aeropress - who invented it, why and what difference does it make to coffee brewing. And also tips as to how you, too, can enter the Aeropress World Championships...

Where does coffee come from?
Here we explain how coffee is grown and where it comes from; the different varieties and the origins. We also give some agricultural advice for those interested in trying it...
Where does coffee come from?
Here we explain how coffee is grown and where it comes from; the different varieties and the origins. We also give some agricultural advice for those interested in trying it...

What Is Coffee Roasting?
How is coffee roasted? How do we control the different points of the roast profile? What tools are used to roast coffee consistently? Here we talk about all these things.
What Is Coffee Roasting?
How is coffee roasted? How do we control the different points of the roast profile? What tools are used to roast coffee consistently? Here we talk about all these things.

How To Do Coffee Tasting At Home
Ever wondered how taste coffee in a professional yet easy way? Whilst SCA scores are given by rigorously trained Q-graders; coffee tasting experts, you can try a simplified version of...
How To Do Coffee Tasting At Home
Ever wondered how taste coffee in a professional yet easy way? Whilst SCA scores are given by rigorously trained Q-graders; coffee tasting experts, you can try a simplified version of...

What is espresso coffee - it is not expresso
Here we talk about espresso coffee and its origins. A often confused term - with many people calling it "expresso". It's espresso - with Italian origins. Know yourself, know your...
What is espresso coffee - it is not expresso
Here we talk about espresso coffee and its origins. A often confused term - with many people calling it "expresso". It's espresso - with Italian origins. Know yourself, know your...