Our Blogs

Here is where you will find articles that we found either interesting to write about, or interesting stuff to read about. Let us know what you think. Are blog posts even a "thing" nowadays? We don't know ... but meanwhile ...

Stuff we found interesting to read and/or write about

How To Use a Cafetière

How To Use a Cafetière

Due to the simple nature of the brewing process, this method doesn’t favour any coffee in particular, instead it is completely down to the user and their preference. Therefore, it...

How To Use a Cafetière

Due to the simple nature of the brewing process, this method doesn’t favour any coffee in particular, instead it is completely down to the user and their preference. Therefore, it...

The Sage Barista Touch machine - a great machine!

Top 10 Bean to Cup Coffee Machines in the UK

Welcome to Cannon coffee roasters review of bean to cup machines in the UK! As the popularity of specialty coffee drinks continues to grow, so does the demand for quality...

Top 10 Bean to Cup Coffee Machines in the UK

Welcome to Cannon coffee roasters review of bean to cup machines in the UK! As the popularity of specialty coffee drinks continues to grow, so does the demand for quality...

The Hario V60 dripper - the origin

The Hario V60 dripper - the origin

Learn about the history, background and how to use the V60 dripper to create great tasting coffee at home quickly.

The Hario V60 dripper - the origin

Learn about the history, background and how to use the V60 dripper to create great tasting coffee at home quickly.

The tiny, cool, Wacaco Picopress coffee maker in action!

How to Use Wacaco Picopresso

The Wacaco Picopresso - the perfect toy, gift, device for coffee people who like to get around a bit.  Or even people in the office who just like to be...

How to Use Wacaco Picopresso

The Wacaco Picopresso - the perfect toy, gift, device for coffee people who like to get around a bit.  Or even people in the office who just like to be...

The Sage Bambino coffee machine

Sage Bambino Plus Cleaning and Descaling Guide

The Sage Bambino and Bambino Plus are an excellent entry level espresso and milk frothing coffee machine. Like any coffee machine, it requires as cleaning cycle. Rest assured, Sage's philosophy...

Sage Bambino Plus Cleaning and Descaling Guide

The Sage Bambino and Bambino Plus are an excellent entry level espresso and milk frothing coffee machine. Like any coffee machine, it requires as cleaning cycle. Rest assured, Sage's philosophy...

Coffee should be enjoyed and savoured like wine

Coffee is the "new" wine

We strongly believe that great coffee tasting is as complex, nuanced and opaque as wine tasting. Without the cost.  Here we explain why.

Coffee is the "new" wine

We strongly believe that great coffee tasting is as complex, nuanced and opaque as wine tasting. Without the cost.  Here we explain why.