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Can You Blend Coffee in a Standard Kitchen Blender?

Coffee is an essential part of many people’s daily routine. Some people prefer to buy pre-ground coffee, while others prefer to grind their own beans right before brewing. Grinding your own beans is a great way to provide a fresher and more flavourful cup of coffee. But, can you grind coffee beans in a normal kitchen blender? The answer is yes, you can grind coffee beans in a blender.


It is important to note that there are certain things you should keep in mind if you choose to use a blender for your coffee grinding. One of the biggest things to consider is the size and strength of your blender. Coffee grinders are made for grinding coffee beans and often have powerful motors and blades that are designed for this exact purpose. If you are using a standard blender, like a nutri bullet, you may need to grind the beans in several batches to ensure that the beans are ground evenly since the blades will not provide a consistent micron size.

Another thing to consider is the type of beans that you are grinding. Some types of beans, such as dark-roasted beans, are easier to grind than lighter roasts since dark roasts typically are less dense. If you are using a blender to grind your coffee beans, you may want to start with a darker roast, as this will help to ensure that the beans are ground evenly.

If using a Cafetiere, filter maker or a dripper, a kitchen blender will be prefectly adequate. If you have exact extraction times in mind, or you have perfected your brewing recipe, then do not expect wonders from this method of grinding. It will brew, it will taste enough like coffee that you can be content, but it will not work miracles and behave like a coffee grinder.

A big note for those of you using an espresso machine, THIS IS NOT THE SOLUTION FOR YOU. Espresso machines require a very particular grind and this can only be achieved from a dedicated espresso grinder. And sadly, in this situation, the more you spend, the better the result. For those who are looking into this article and are asking this questions with the dream of a cheap solution for your espresso setup, this is sadly not going to the news you want to hear.

It is also important to remember that blenders can be very loud when grinding coffee beans. This may be a nuisance if you are grinding your beans in the early morning hours or while other people are sleeping. If you are living in close quarters, you may want to consider investing in a quieter grinder, such as a hand-crank or electric grinder.

Finally, it is important to remember that blenders are not designed for grinding coffee beans. This means that, over time, the blades can become dull or damaged, which can result in a less-than-ideal cup of coffee. If you find that your coffee is not tasting as good as it should, it may be time to invest in a dedicated coffee grinder.

So basically, yes, it is possible to grind coffee beans in a blender. However, it is important to remember that blenders are not designed for this purpose and that you may need to adjust your grinding process and use darker roasted beans in order to achieve the desired results. If you are looking for a more consistent and flavourful cup of coffee, you may want to invest in a dedicated coffee grinder.

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