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Eco Friendly Coffee Bags

Updated: Mar 1

Ahoy mateys! It's been over a year since Cannon Coffee Roasters set sail on a mission to find the most sustainable way to offer our delicious, freshly-roasted coffee. After many months of research, we have finally made the switch from PLA compostable coffee bags to 100% paper recyclable bags, and we have to say, the results have been arghh-mazing.

Cannon Coffee old bag
Old coffee bag design

Cannon Coffee New Bags
New and improved coffee bags!


Our new bags are made from brown paper, making them 100% recyclable and code 22, which is the equivalent to plain paper. Not only that, but they are also printed with a sleek design that will impress all who lay eyes on them. Whether it's a single origin or a blend, our bags are adorned with designs that represent the national animals, Cannon-themed images, or even a crazed captain for our Captain's Blend and a naval warship for the Gunpowder Blend. See our blog on how we can actually act eco-consciously.

eco friendly coffee bags
Our best coffees, now fully eco friendly

We didn't make this switch to be a trendsetter or to appear greenwashed. We did it to reduce our impact on the planet. And, with our new bags, recycling at home has never been easier. Simply pop the bag in your recycling bin and you're done. It's that simple. This is part of our move to source and make coffee ethically.

Ultimately, Cannon Coffee Roasters is dedicated to providing the freshest, highest-quality coffee with the least amount of harmful impact on the environment possible. We are proud of our sustainability efforts and are excited to continue to explore new and innovative ways to reduce our ecological footprint. So, for all of you coffee-lovers out there, if you're looking for a sustainable coffee-drinking experience, look no further than Cannon Coffee Roasters. Our 100% recyclable paper bags make for an easy-to-recycle experience, and our Cannon-themed designs will make your morning brew that much more enjoyable. So, raise your mugs and let's give a hearty cheers to sustainability.

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