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How to Drink Light Roasted Coffee

Updated: Jan 19


At Cannon, we love getting the best out of unique and complex coffees. So much work has gone into coffee from seed to cup, and coffee is made 3 times, farming, roasting and brewing. So for the final brewing step it's crucial to brew properly to get all of the unique aromatics that would otherwise be lost.

The flavours of light-roasted coffee are noted to be vibrant, fruity, and acidic. In comparison to darker roasts, it is also less bitter and contains slightly less caffeine by weight. It's critical to brew light roasted coffee correctly in order to properly appreciate its distinctive flavour characteristics. The following are some of the ideal ways to brew light-roasted coffee. Here's



1. Pour Over: This technique involves using a pour-over cone or a Chemex to pour hot water over powdered coffee in a filter. This manual method yields a clear and well-balanced cup of coffee and gives the user more control over the brewing process.

2. Aeropress: The Aeropress is a manual press that draws flavour from coffee beans using air pressure. It is a simple, quick process that yields a pure, smooth cup of coffee.

3. French Press: In this technique, ground coffee is steeped in hot water before being pressed to the bottom of the carafe. A cup of coffee made using a French press has a rich flavour and a potent scent.

4. Siphon: Siphon brewing is a special technique that brews coffee by combining heat and vacuum pressure. A clear, balanced cup with a rich flavour profile is the end result.

5. Cold Brew: Coffee is made with cold water in a process called cold brew. It is a long procedure that often takes 12 to 24 hours, but the end result is a cup of coffee that is smoother, less acidic, and less bitter. For those who like their coffee less acidic and harsh, this method works perfectly.



Regardless of the brewing technique you select, it's critical to utilise freshly roasted, traceable coffee beans. Your beans' flavour will last longer if you store them correctly, ideally in an airtight container in a cool, dark location.

If your feeling adventurous, we do recommend trying espresso for light roasted coffee. Be warned, this is usually a tough endeavour given the trial and error of finding just the right grind size for optimal extraction. The pour usually comes out way too fast, or frustratingly slowly, so taking time with minute adjustments whilst tedious can be well worth the reward once you taste a well extracted light roast espresso. The acidity and sweetness are very bright! So we don't recommend this for those that prefer more bold, muted and low acidity espresso.

In conclusion, there are numerous ways to brew light-roasted coffee, including pour-over and cold brew. Every technique has a different brewing process and flavour character. Finding the brewing technique that best meets your taste preferences will require some experimentation with various brewing techniques.You may take advantage of the light roasted coffee's bright, fruity, and acidic characteristics by using the appropriate brewing technique.

We recommend our Uganda African Moon for it's eccentric yet bold taste characteristics. The floral notes are subtle but not too overpowering, and make a great starting point for those keen to try light roasted coffee.

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